Monday, April 17, 2017

Monthly Meeting Reminder - 4/19/17

Hello DQG Friends,

A friendly reminder of the DQG monthly meeting is this Wednesday. There's two options to join us now: day is 1030am at Tattered Cover on Colfax and 630pm at Wooden Spools (details located on our website).

Please bring a quilt project you've been working on to share with the group and/or a chain quilt you've made in the past . Also, we'll be discussing up and coming quilt celebrities. Come with a person you have in mind to share with us.

Come and join us!

Monday, February 13, 2017

Monthly Meeting Reminder - 2/15/2017

Hello DQG Friends,

A friendly reminder of the DQG monthly meeting is this Wednesday. There's two options to join us now: day is 1030am at Tattered Cover on Colfax and 630pm at Wooden Spools (details located on our website).

Please bring a quilt project you've been working on to share with the group. Also new for 2017, if you have quilt to share that represents a story of love and friendship, please bring it along. We would love to hear about it. The topic theme for this month is "Bucket List Patterns." If there is a pattern out there you've been dying to do, but for whatever reason haven't done it yet, share the pattern with us.

Come and join us!

Thursday, February 2, 2017


Hello Quilty Friends,

What’s that? Where’s Liz? She’s off to Wisconsin to experience a new chapter in her life. She sends her sincere farewell to all of us and has graciously handed over the reins to me as organizer of the Denver Quilt Guild. I hope to serve you all well, just as Liz did the past 6 years. My goals are to continue to create community, educate our guild on quilt making, and encourage one another in our quilting endeavors. Meanwhile, we’ll have loads of eye candy to inspire us along the way.

I will be sending out communication a little differently. A DQG website has been created. The website is a ‘working’ document and not set in stone, but yet it is a boiler plate idea of what we are doing this year. The website has all our basic information about who we are, where we meet, and so forth. The website is www.denverquiltguild.blogspot. Go, check it out, and share your feedback with me. The site is in need of eye candy too, in regards to pictures I mean. If you have any pictures you’d like to share of our guild and quilts, please send them along.

Also, you’ll be getting our emails through Mail Chimp. I’ll be using Mail Chimp to help me keep track of our member’s email addresses. There’s a “Join the DQG” on the right sidebar of the DQG website. Anyone can join and start receiving emails immediately.

I’ll be switching away from using ‘invite’ on Facebook and use Meetup. I’ll repost any new invites back to the Facebook page (, but details/reminders of each meeting/event will generate from Meetup. There’s no requirement to RSVP on Meetup, however, if you like reminders, then RSVPing in Meetup will generate those for you.

Further, you’ll notice we have 2 opportunities to participate in our monthly meetings. We’ll continue to meet the 3rd Wednesday of every month, but we’ll have a day and evening time to meet. The day meeting runs from 1030am to 1230pm at the Tattered Cover Bookstore on Colfax in Denver. The evening meeting runs from 630pm to 8pm at Wooden Spools in Englewood.

Thank you for your support. I look forward to the continued growth of the DQG.

Feedback and input are always desired.

Come and join us!


Head over the Denver Quilt Guild Meetup page to RSVP to your next meeting.

Check out the Denver Quilt Guild webpage for upcoming meeting themes and events. Have an idea for the guild, email them to

Friday, January 6, 2017

January Meeting

Hello Denver,

For the January meeting, as usual bring a drink/snack, and quilt to share with the group. Also, new for 2017, we will be doing a Quilt Theme and Quilt Challenge. Click the links to learn more about what they mean. No pressure to participate, although it is encouraged. These are simply ideas to add interest and inspire members to come to the meetings. I'll discuss in more detail in our January meeting.

Remember, the Spring Retreat has 2 spots. Please refer friends and family.

You'll notice a new website for our guild. This is simply a method I'm most comfortable with to keep information about our guild and things we are doing posted. That said, I'm looking for images to add to the page. Email them to me at

Thanks everyone,

Thursday, January 5, 2017


Hello and welcome to the Denver Quilt Guild website. Peruse the site to learn more about us. Thanks for stopping by and we hope to see you at our next meeting.